Academic integrity is fundamental to the academic quality and the reputation of LEA. It requires our students and staff to act in accordance with the principles of honesty, fairness, trust and responsibility.

Academic integrity is about upholding ethical standards in all aspects of academic work and having respect for knowledge and its development including teaching, learning and assessments. Dishonest practices contravene academic values, compromise and devalue the quality of learning.

We have developed an Academic Integrity module to help equip LEA students with knowledge on academic integrity and the skills to avoid academic misconduct. Through written information, videos, reflection questions and case study scenarios, the module provides comprehensive information about your students’ academic integrity responsibilities, the importance of proper acknowledgement and referencing, and how to avoid plagiarism and other types of academic misconduct.

To ensure that all our students understand academic integrity, all new students are required to complete the module within the first three weeks of their study at LEA. In order to successfully complete the module, students must complete a quiz and achieve a score of 100%. Students can re-take the quiz as many times as needed until it is successfully completed.

Access to the module is via the LEA LMS.

For any questions or issues regarding the module, contact one of our helpful Academic Support Officers or the LEA Librarian.